911 and Public Safety with an On-line UPS pt. 2

The Difference in UPS Designs There are three basic UPS designs: off-line, line-interactive and on-line. They provide three different levels of backup and power protection.* Off-Line – The off-line UPS is the lowest cost and is capable of providing basic battery backup and limited surge protection only. In every case the unit is designed around…

On-line Industrial UPS solves Mystery

Mystery Solved at Aircraft Manufacturer: with an On-line Industrial UPS We’d like to share the ideas in a recent article in Automation World. One of the largest aircraft manufacturers solved the mystery about why it had a machine stoppage that resulted in scrapping thousands of dollars worth of expensive airplane parts: There are only a…

Prevent Downtime with an Industrial UPS pt. 1

You can prevent downtime and maintenance costs by installing an industrial UPS, or high temperature UPS, in stressful environments.  Your company and you often spend time, money and stress on equipment downtime and maintenance costs.  In a high-production facility, a stoppage can cost an enormous amount of money. Here are 5 tips on preventing downtime…